Offshore Seychelles ULTRA for 1 650,- EUR

Do business in complete discretion!

Use the ULTRA service to set up an ultra discreet company. With this service, we will arrange for you to set up a new offshore company in a tax haven in the Seychelles, and your name will not appear in any public register. Your name will only be provided to a registered agent who is responsible for setting up a company. Nominees will be included in the Commercial Register as the owners of the company - shareholders and the director of the company.



ULTRA service for only 1 650,- Eur

The ULTRA service includes:

  • Elaboration of founding documents
  • Extract from the register
  • Decision of the founder to appoint the first director
  • Minutes of the first meeting of the Director
  • Share Letter
  • Notarised Foundation Documents with Apostille
  • Nominated shareholders and director
  • Undated shareholders meeting to accept the resignation of the director
  • Undated Director 's Notice of Resignation
  • An empty undated share transfer agreement that allows the transfer at a later date
  • Shareholder's will
  • Power of Attorney (if required)
  • Delivery of documents
  • Company headquarters for one year

Fee To Keep and Maintain Accounting Records is not included.

The annual renewal fee for the ULTRA service is EUR 950, - including, but not limited to, the rental of a registered office, remuneration for nominated shareholders and the director, a government license fee (Fee To Keep and Maintain Accounting Records is not included).

When using this service, you will be provided with undated decision of the Director to resign as well as undated minutes of approval of resignation of the Director and transfer of the Company's share to you. The service also includes an empty undated share transfer agreement to you, so you can transfer the company to the person you want at any time. Of course there is a will, where in the event of the death of the nominated shareholder, the share is transferred to you.

In addition to the aforementioned services, our company can also provide you with additional services such as opening a bank account, receiving and forwarding mail, winding up the company. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.